REVIEW: Perfect Hair Forever ”Muscular Distraction B ”



I’ve been around long enough to have seen some strange things on Adult Swim, but when John sent me the link to this episode…I was in no way prepared for what just happened. Perfect Hair Forever, as the name would suggest, is one of the strangest, but oddly entertaining anime parodies to come out of the brilliant and sometimes disturbed minds over at Williams Street.

If you don’t want to spoil the hidden secrets of the universe, BEWARE THE SPOILERS BELOW!!

We find ourselves with Uncle Grandpa as he prepares to tell us about a quest for “something stupid,” while he gets ready to also work out his third muscle. Cut to our friends Action Hotdog and Gerald reaching the end of their quest. Unfortunately, as soon as Gerald points to Tuna Mountain, Tuna Mountain ceases to be in a burt of fire, flame, and fury. So much for the quest, but what next? Uncle Grandpa quickly comes up with an answer, admitting to causing the explosion in the first place.

In his words, a “craving for petty larceny” comes over him as he rushes to find the closest car to break in and the most effective brick for smashing windows. Once he gets home, the police are quick to show up and quick to be refused. Once they announce they are actually there to fix his cable he promptly lets the law in, where we discover that his “cable” problem is related to his nether regions being connected to a cake. The connection apparently isn’t very good, although it is “authenticating” eventually. Believe it or not, this is when things get weird.

Gerald is looking back on his life when Young Man begins to explain that his wedding is going to happen in exactly 8 minutes and there is far too much to do. At the same time, Catman has finally found the person living inside of the house who’s door he has been banging on for 8 years now. Inside, he finds Rod, who is not in fact smoking anything, he just happens to be a live open flame. Unfortunately, it also seems to be far too easy to lure Catman into his home with the introduction of a burning cat toy.

Back with Gerald and Young man, seemingly doing something that breaks the rules of what my brain can comprehend. Gerald has been talking to Young Man’s wrong ear and Young Man has to turn to reveal his favorite ear, but only to find that the sprinkler system comes on and Gerald decides it’s the perfect time for a song.

Now, folks, this is where we get a little input from another Williams Street veteran. Space Ghost has been pitching shows for years, according to his own recollection, and they never want to listen to him.

It’s time for the wedding! Once the wedding is set up, Rod, Gerald, and Brenda are in attendance, at least until Uncle Grandpa decides to be dragged up the aisle to get a better look up Brenda’s dress. After a few quick announcements about the dangers of the ham being served, Brenda triumphantly raises a plate of hamburgers, Rod points out that this show makes absolutely no sense, and then….cut to black and an ominous gunshot.

I still don’t know what happened. There were images and sentences in front of my face that I understood, but I mean, what does it MEAN? The fact that the last few episodes have only come out on April Fool’s Day should say something about what to expect, though. Of course, I’m more than willing to watch more in a strange way. Adult Swim has the strange power to produce something that you might not initially like, but you somehow know that it’s good, that you should like it. It could be hypnosis, or it could be brilliance delivered by an alien life form to the Williams Street offices. Your guess is as good as mine.