Review: Harvey Beaks ”The Almighty Foo”;”The Ghost Problem”

Overview (Spoilers Below)

”The Almighty Foo”

This week, Foo has to save a bunch of bugs after he destroys their home, so he opts to keep them at Harvey’s house. Unfortunately, the house becomes infested so while Foo and Harvey go to get an aquarium, Dad calls in the exterminator whom wages war against the bugs. He sucks all of the little guys up in his vacuum and plans to kill them all, but Harvey and Foo are able to stop them by breaking this guy’s vacuum and holding the bugs in their mouths. The duo head outside and decide to keep the bugs in Fees hair because she doesn’t bathe anyway.

Our Take

What kids don’t like bugs? This was the first time I’ve seen a villain, and I REALLY wanted him to get beat. Randl isn’t that because I love Marc Maron so much, but this anteater was as much of a douche as I have ever seen. He lies, he knocks over family portraits, he tries to kill, and boy am I glad that the boys were able to get back at him. If I am this passionate about a villain for an animated series, then the producers must be doing something right.



“The Ghost Problem”

Fee insults a ghost named Bartleburt whom works at the library causing him to quit. When Fee goes to apologize, the former librarian turns Fee into a ghost so that she can see first hand what it’s like to be one. At first she loves it, but eventually Fee comes around and opts to convince Bartleburt to come back to the library with a cake. He agrees, but only if Fee does a week of volunteering.

Our Take

I’m a fan of Fred Stoller so adding him to the cast only elevates this show to another level and Bartleburt’s a great way to do it. It isn’t often where ghosts are perceived as the bad guys, but I do think that Bartleburt’s powers bring on a sense of wonder to the series. We get a character (and a new setting) that I hope we can dig into further and learn more about his neighborhood. That’s one thing I hope that happens with this series moving forward. Season Two, I wanna see some back stories and be introduced to the different townsfolk and see what we’ve got here, because then I think it can lead to interesting episodes like this. I didn’t care about Fee learning a lesson…cliche. But, Bartleburt opens up some questions that I hope get answered and that keeps me watching.

