Review: Harvey Beaks “Princess Wants a Mom; Rage Against the Michelle”

The renegades of fun!

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Princess Wants a Mom

Princess wants a new mom and as such decides to get her dad back in the dating scene. Doctor Roberts eventually starts a fling with Evelyn but realizes he’s not ready to date again due to the fact that he’s still a little miffed about the passing of his wife. Everyone agrees to remain friends and go their separate ways.

Rage Against the Michelle

Harvey and Michelle kick off the growing pains of being siblings. Michelle gets into Harvey’s stuff, and it’s here Harvey discovers the magical powers of “rage”. Fortunately, all his friends who also have siblings deal with similar rage, so they decide to form a help group. The kids learn that if they yell, their rage subsides, but Harvey soon learns that there are other ways in which to deal with rage…like love, and that’s what gets him back to being normal Harvey with his funny sister Michelle.

Our Take

Another stellar night of Harvey Beaks. Both episodes featured strong morals conveyed by hilarious characters that should be used more in the show. Michelle, especially. Think about all those episodes we wasted having Michelle just laying there in an egg and the fact that had she been born earlier we would’ve had more fun episodes like “Rage Against the Michelle”. I’ll be honest, I was a bit concerned about Harvey not having his cool during the episode because that’s usually the best asset of the show. As everyone freaks out about shit in Littlebark, Harvey’s the Dalai Lama of the group that usually is very copasetic and wise upon his years. But, then I saw all of the frowny faces and thought, “ok, maybe for a little while”.

“Princess Wants a Mom” kicked off with one of the funniest Harvey bits ever featuring a dating show sendup that had me bawling in tears because of how funny Harvey’s lines were. The rest of the episode was rather typical save for the role reversal with the child WANTING to set up her father, but really, you’ve seen some of it before.

Overall, solid episode. “Rage” might be worth the watch all by itself.
