Review: Harley Quinn “Finding Mr. Right”


Overview (Spoilers Below)
Upon realizing that the press isn’t taking their criminal activities seriously, Harley and the gang seek out a nemesis to call their own. None of the big shot superheroes want to touch them though, so Batman’s boy wonder Robin pops in to save the day (much to Harley’s chagrin).

Our Take
Unfortunately, this episode ires a disappointing feeling. Going into this, I didn’t know what to expect. What I received though did not sit right with me overall. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great moments throughout. However, something here felt very much lacking compared to the last few episodes.

The comedic timing here is fair, but ultimately leaves something to be desired. There’s a good number of one-liners that cracked me up (especially the $7.99 subscription jab!). However, the vast majority of humor here does not land on its own two feet. It’s definitely trying to be amusing but fails to complete that mission most of the time. Still, the humor here isn’t the absolute worst. Rather, it mainly concentrates on a few gags and leaves the rest to grow mold on its plate.

I can’t say the comedy’s lacking is entirely its own fault, however. The storyline in this episode does not induce much interest. The whole “finding a nemesis” plot doesn’t really allow for much in the way of entertainment. There’s only so many times the “not taken seriously by heroes” bit can be shown before it grows tiresome.

Robin is another large downfall here. I understand his overall purpose here is to be annoying. However, one can still characterize an annoying brat into something likable to viewers. From what I saw in this episode though, there’s not a single thing to like about him. If all we as viewers get out of Robin is as much annoyance as Harley experiences here, then what’s the point? Not to mention the fact that Robin is essentially a cliche-making machine here! He’s the typical “good one-minute, brat the next” scenario that’s been done to death. Additionally, while I have to give props to Harley’s quick-wit, the whole trap she set up for Robin is another dreadfully tiring trope. It’s disappointing to see Robin reduced to an unlikeable personality with an overdone scenario.

There were also some odd elements in play with Robin as well. For starters, what’s up with the random nose bleeds? It’s one thing when the hero’s punch or kick towards a foe results in injury. However, he just spontaneously starts to bleed out his nose for no apparent reason here. Am I missing something? I also found Robin’s final line to be quite awkward in all honesty (I don’t blame Batman for dashing away after that). While I’m open to different interpretations of established characters, this version of Robin largely seems like a bust thus far. As he is now, I feel like he’d drive more people away from the series than keep them coming back for more hoots n’ hollers.

Overall, this absolutely is a let down on all accounts. After a surprising third episode, the fourth installment drops the ball with an annoyance who refuses to leave the screen, cliche after cliche, and jokes that fall flat more times than not. Thankfully, next week’s chapter appears to be a much more imaginative and, hopefully, enticing experience.