Review: Cat Agent “Purrcling Around”

We’ve got a new tryst to talk about.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Cat Agent and Cat Manager get into a competition to see who can win over Tom Hanks’ cat as a client. Cat Agent doesn’t win the client, but he DOES win the heart of the very rich cat which inspires the furry feline to quit his agency and live off of a bunch of new gold shit because his girlfriend is rich as fuck.

Our Take

We alllllmost had another cliche Trump joke, but we were able to avoid that and end up with a rather fun episode that now leaves us with questions for the final episode. The episode really didn’t get all that interesting until the relationship between the cats started to develop as sometimes Cat Agent just drones on and on with senseless monologues and even Cat Manager didn’t help things much, but now there appears to be a bit more “oomph” in the dialogue with there actually being something of substance to talk about. Hopefully, this should prove to be a value-add as time goes on.
