Meatwad unveils his graphic novel and wants Shake to write a blurb for it.

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It makes perfect sense that on the same week that a popular graphic novel/comic book series comes to the big screen in the form of The Dark Knight Rises, that Meatwad would put together his own graphic novel entitled “The Venturesome Adventures of Rocket Horse Jet Chicken” and that same novel is covered with Ranch salad dressing on the front(to entice the reader) and spots for Frylock and Shake to write their blurbs about the book. Frylock did his part, now to wait for Shake. Before, Shake can put his name on anything he’s gotta hear what its about!

The story follows the adventures of Rocket Horse and Jet Chicken plus their biggest fan…Meatwad! Rocket Horse seems like a pretty chill character, but Jet Chicken is a foul-mouthed son of a bitch that has terrible eating habits coupled with awful shitting tendencies. Jet asks Meat to come along with Rocket and him to someone’s house for a late night stake-out out in front of the house for the local plastic surgeon. Turns out the doctor was being uncooperative with the morbidly-obese chicken’s demands and as such refused to do the surgery because of the doc’s drunkedness. We actually do end up at the doctor’s hospital where again the guy who runs the place is clearly shit-faced and as such Jet Chicken drops his ass with a glock. So who is going to perform the plastic surgery?? Chicken’s biggest fan Meatwad who ends up killing the fat bastard much to the delight of the Rocket Horse who tries to kill Meatwad only to later ride the roller coaster as bestest pals!

After the story finishes up, Shake finds out that Meatwad hasn’t copy written the story yet and as such takes off to Los Angeles with it so that he can pitch it(albeit with a few changes) to Adult Swim whom are stoked with the story but the title of the show isn’t to their liking.

Overall, this week’s episode of Aqua was really great as we clearly see the producers trying different things each week and that’s no exception this week with the animated graphic novel. I thought the depiction of the story was really, really well done and the characters were funny as hell as I couldn’t help but keep laughing at the somewhat Cartman-inspired Jet Chicken. And then, leave it to Matt and Dave to throw a few jabs at their own network(first time I could think of where someone did that) with the pitch meeting scene near the end. Great episode, and definitely deserving of a good score.


(9.0 out of 10)