IT’S WEBS DAY!!! With @machinimahh, some more @machinimahh and @doofdaily!!!




::camera pans left and focuses on a fat kid in a Devils jersey watching cartoons. He turns to the camera and begins to speak…::

Normally I start Webs Day articles by talking about the art or the voice acting or the funny. But after seeing Action Faction’s second episode, I feel as if i should start this week with a question.

Why do a fair amount of the shows coming out recently look like they’re all made in the same style as Fall Out Boy’s “America’s Suitehearts” music video? Not since the first few seasons of South Park has the paper animation style been so popular. It’s not a bad thing. But if  all of your friends are jumping off of a bridge, you don’t have to jump too.

There are two distinct factors that save Action Faction from getting the full brunt of a ChefRich tongue lashing: Voice Acting and Emotion. The voice acting is immaculate. What really had me drawn in was the spot on Chris Matthews rip-off/impression. If you close your eyes and just listen, you can almost hear a melt down brewing from that guy. I like that.

That brings me to the emotion. You might be saying “But ChefRich, we come to Webs Day for the funny! Why are we talking about emotions?” To which I would reply “Sit down Slap Nuts, you’re about to get learned!!” Emotion is the basis of all things. It’s what makes funny. It’s what makes sad. Life isn’t always laughs and dick jokes. I applaud Action Faction for tackling a sad situation really well. That said, this show brings the funny when it needs to, so its getting a good grade out of me.



Next up we’ve got another one from Happy Hour called “Space Adventure Legend Quest.” I’ll just come right out and say it. This show is weird. Like if the art style of Voltron and the comedic style of Apollo Gauntlet had a three-way with with a chick version of Sub :3. Oh, and she’s severely hooked on acid. I’ll give you a few minutes to look into all those references……..


Welcome back! The art and colors in this show are very vibrant, which is very enjoyable. The voice acting is alright. What lacks is the funny. And when the funny lacks, it doesn’t matter how good the other two are. Sorry SALQ, but you gotta step your game up if you want a good score in this neck of the woods.




AND DOWN THE STRETCH THEY COME!!! The last show this week is a little bit of a Phineas and Ferb spin off. Dr. Doofenshmirtz has his own talk show and this week he’s talking pop music, and more specifically, One Direction. And it’s fucking hilarious!! Admittedly, I don’t watch Phineas and Ferb but if the show is half as funny as Doof’s Daily Dirt, P&F might have just earned themselves a new fan. The art is well done and colorful. The voice actor who does Doof, Dan Provenmire, is brilliant. And the laughs keep coming. Love it!




As always, if you feel the need to contact me about the jargon or dreck I speak on here, E-mail me. [email protected]

I’m also on Twitter! Follow me if you want to see me retweet what funnier people than myself say. Follow me HERE!!!

Until next Webs Day my beautiful little monkeys!
