English Dub Review: The Slime Diaries “The Residents of the City of Monsters”


Overview: Rimuru (Brittney Karbowski) visits various areas around Tempest to check in on his citizens. 

Our Take: The show moves at a pretty rapid pace looking at all the hilarious goofiness that occurs like Rimuru dealing with Shion’s atrocious secretary skills and her being tone deaf to it or the slime being jealous yet charmed by Benimaru’s smooth talking nature. It is fun to see the cast get their shine in Shuna playing with kitchen knives or Souei being a weird sadist who imagines killing cats and Souka crushing on him. 

A bunch of other fun little moments litter the episode with Gabiru and his lizard men’s ridiculous eccentric weird dance number, Ranga destroying Rimuru’s office and Hakura being a not-so old man. There are some edgy weird jokes that I love like everyone joking with Rimuru about how slimes are a summertime delicacy or lighthearted stuff like Shuna scolding Benimaru about his dirty underwear and his unkempt appearance. 

It is also neat how to takes the opportunity to touch on Rimuru’s own internal problems, albeit very briefly, in him struggling with being praised and hailed as much as he is, drinking his troubles away (grape juice, of course, because that’s the good shit) with Treyni, funnily enough with her neglecting her forest watching duties, bartending and listening to his troubles. Ending with a nice feast, it sets the tone for a pleasant look into the day-to-day activities of the monster country. 

A day in the life in Tempest might sound mundane and nothing more. And at times this episode can feel that way with some humdrum in-between scenes of the monster residents, like visiting the monster temple school, or getting the pleasure of watching orcs literally do construction. However, it mostly sticks the landing for the various titillating little story romps featuring the eclectic citizens of the nation. It really is just a slice of life activities that occur around and as long as those are your expectations heading in for both this episode and the series as a whole, it’s an enjoyable time.