English Dub Review: The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated! “Saurva Never Slips Up?”



Saurva has come to the human realm to bring down Jahy and then claim the Number 2 title. Lots of ambitions, but little bravery. She tries to challenge Jahy numerous times but is not even noticed once. With her outstanding inventions, she is able to transform into Jahy perfectly, and plots to ruin Jahy’s reputation. However, the first person she runs into is the landlord and the boss. This can only mean trouble.

Our Take:

Saurva is an interesting new character, she also wants to defeat Jahy. But as the title tells us she will not be defeated! But it definitely feels like she loses a fair share of her battles. Saurva’s plan was to use magic to look like Jahy and ruin her reputation. Unbeknownst to her however Jahy’s reputation isn’t doing too great already. In fact, she helped it more than anything.

This show is what I like to call a reverse isekai. People from another world have been transported to ours. It seems like with shows like this the main issue the people have is money. How much of a commentary is it on society when the biggest problem in our world is literally surviving? Go to another world and you have to contend with the demon lord, but ours? Basic necessities are the biggest problems which are pretty terrible if you ask me.