English Dub Review: Re:ZERO ~Starting Life in Another World~ ”The Day Petelgeuse Laughed“

Overview (Spoilers Below):

Outside of Emilia’s trial, Ryuzu Shima speaks of the memories of their ancestor, Ryuzu Meyer. Ryuzu Meyer met Beatrice with Echidna and as time passed they became friends. One day Ryuzu Meyer meets Roswaal Mathers, the ancestor of the present Roswaal L. Mathers who is looking for Echidna. The story paused when Garfiel mentions the witch and Subaru admitting to having seen her in his trial. Then he asks what happened to the peaceful place in Ryuzu Meyer’s memories. Ryuzu Shima explains that it collapsed and that the true reason for the Sanctuary’s existence made itself known.

In Emilia’s memories, Regulus introduces himself as Petelgeuse demands to know why they’re here. Then a woman appears saying that she ordered Regulus. Mother Fortuna attacks the woman calling her Pandora, but they remain unharmed. Petelgeuse gives Mother Fortuna and Emilia time to run and he absorbs the witch factor in the box to fight the two. They enter a stalemate and Echidna changes the location to where Mother Fortuna and the young Emilia went. After a tearful farewell, Mother Fortuna leaves Emilia and Archi’s care as she goes back to Petelgeuse. However, the Black Serpent attacks Archi and he tells Emilia to run and not look back. Petelgeuse and Mother Fortuna prepare to fight against Pandora who forces Regulus to leave. The young Emilia runs to the seal mistaking everything to be her fault. Once she’s at the seal Pandora greets her saying that she’s been waiting for her.


Our Take:

In this week’s episode, we get more of Emilia’s and Ryuzu Meyer’s past. The anime does a great job with the emotional beats for friendship and family. It also does a great job at making the antagonists in Emilia’s memory appear to be invincible.

Ryuzu Meyer and Beatrice’s friendship in Ryuzu Shima’s story is heartwarming to experience. In the short memory, we also get a snippet of Beatrice’s relationship with Echidna. The witch scolds Beatrice for her attitude towards Ryuzu Meyer like a mother. Despite her arrogant personality Beatrice and Ryuzu Meyer got along quite well while Echidna was busy with her discussions. There’s also Roswaal’s ancestor who apparently knows Echidna which could explain Roswaal’s obsession with the witch.

Then there’s Emilia’s trial in her memories of Elior forest. Emilia and Mother Fortuna’s parting hit hard. She knows that Mother Fortuna might not come back with that determined look that Petelgeuse had too. Emilia realizes the love that Mother Fortuna had for her as she’s watching her younger self and Mother Fortuna hug and part ways. It’s an emotional gut wrench that even Echidna chooses not to comment maliciously on their sobbing appearances. Perhaps it’s because of her relationship with Beatrice? The young Emilia wanting to save her mother by giving Pandora what she wants was nice. It was also childish and naive with Emilia thinking that what’s happening is her fault. The way the ending plays with the flashback of Emila’s happy memories was effective. It places the audience in her perspective of wanting everything to go back to the happier times.

Petelgeuse taking in the witch factor to fight against Pandora and Regulus was nice. It shows his resolve to protect Mother Fortuna and Emilia. His ability which drags Regulus in the air like a toy was impressive. Admittedly I do have to wonder about the agreement he had within the Witch Cult on the Elior forest.

Additionally, Pandora is scary in a chilling way. Her calm voice as she simply explains that she sent Regulus away worked well to show how her ability is a threat. She undoes Regulus’s work on herself and Petelgeuse with her ability like a rewind in time. Theoretically, she could just return to a state where their magic can’t harm her in battle. It could present a struggle for the two’s mana against how many times she can return to her original state in the next episode. Her ability could explain why she’s also at the seal when Emilia reaches it. Her comment on Petelgeuse as an imperfection shows her title as the witch of Vanity. Pandora doesn’t say it is a mocking tone. She merely acknowledges it as a fact along with their love for each other making her feel something.

Overall the episode was a good showcase to Petelgeuse, Mother Fortuna, Regulus, and Pandora’s abilities. I look forward to seeing the tragedy of the outclassed Petelgeuse and Mother Fortuna against the seemingly invincible Pandora.