English Dub Review: New Game! “This Is Just Turning into Cos-purr-lay!”

Shit is heating up…only to be cooled down.

Spoilers Below

The contest that ended last week’s episode ensues and Aoba beats out Ko’s designs which pisses off the veteran character designer, though Shizuku notes that Ko’s new designs are too derivative of the game they JUST released. There’s another round of presentations and this time, despite a bit of a kerfuffle earlier between the two designers, Ko and Aoba team up and produce designs that get approved for the new project.

Our Take

This is your classic tale on a few levels: 1) this episode is your commonly used trope that consists of a jealousy in the work force 2) and if you can’t beat ’em…JOIN THEM! I liked the moral to the stories quite a bit because they are accurate however they seldom end this quiet.
