English Dub Review: Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan “That Thing That You Can’t Remember the Name Of”



Uramichi can’t remember something, it was a macaron, poor guy. That might be troubling him but he’s really happy because he gets two days in a row off! But there’s a catch… he gets two days off because they are having a company retreat. Poor Iketeru never got to do any class trips or sleepovers. Usahara offers to help him experience some of the traditional things you would do.

Our Take:

Man, I’ve been there and that’s the worst. I feel for Uramichi, nothing is worse than having to spend your days off working essentially. I’ve also forgotten something and had it on the tip of my tongue but still couldn’t remember. As I’ve mentioned this show is way too relatable to working-class people. I’m pretty sure we’ve all had thoughts like him and the other members of Together with Maman.

I think I would be a little less upset if my company was paying for me to go to a hot spring though just saying. Iketeru never got to go on any class trips or have sleepovers so he wants to do all the things he missed out on. There’s something hilarious but also charming about a grown man who wants to have a pillow fight and tell scary stories. Luckily, at least Usahara agrees to help make his dream come true.

The gags and jokes in this one were once again on point. I really like how closely the dub is sticking to its sub counterpart. There are a few discrepancies here and there but for the most part, it has been well done. I don’t know why they keep some of the Japanese words when they’re doing the show but it kind of adds to the charm. For example, whenever they start talking to the children they say “Konichiwa kids!” I kind of find it funny now.

Still, no signs of an overarching plot so I wonder how this one will end. Usually, there’s some kind of climax but with a show like this, I have no idea what that could be. This has definitely been one of the funnier anime’s I have watched and really recommend it. I feel like comedy in anime is really hit or miss and often involves an overabundance of fanservice but luckily there’s none of that here. It is still definitely an adult comedy but more in a “most adults will understand them” sort of way.