English Dub Review: Lastman “Oh No!”

Oh no, is right.

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Howard has tracked down a Ren named Ellfman who is able to hypnotize his victims into having massive orgies. He even gets Detectives Monica and Daniel, then eventually Howard who is able to put a bullet into Elfman, but did everyone survive?

Meanwhile, Siri is locked in a room with Richard and Co. until Howard gets back with more serum. Siri eventually turns into a Ren, but learns that token from her past with her father is actually the best way to subdue her symptoms whereas the serum actually makes the Ren in her grow more fierce and powerful.

Our Take

This week’s episode of Lastman was sort of a filler episode in that while we got some good underlying answers to the overall arc, we didn’t get any further with the mob dealings, the fights, or even from what went down last week with Richard and Katana. Fans of erotic art will really like this episode because it’s all over the place and clashed well with the lone shootout scene featured in the episode. That said, the final scenes were rather confusing, here I thought Agent Daniel had died, but he didn’t, and now I’m not sure if Monica is alive. Cliffhanger? Perhaps, but similar to last week’s episode where not a lot of investment was put into a relationship for us to care about the death, I’m not so sure I would’ve cared if either of the cops had died either, so it’s not a cliffhanger that I’m that anxious to get a conclusion for. If it’s something that comes up, great, but we haven’t seen Daniel for most of the series’ run, and Monica was mostly working against Richard and Howard, anyway.
