English Dub Review: Isekai Cheat Magician “Magic Training”



Taichi and Rin become apprentices to hone their magical abilities.

Our Take:

Taichi and Rin, it turns out, have vast powers, but in completely different areas. Rin is skilled in elemental magic, being able to wield all of the elements, a great rarity. On the other hand, Taichi’s skill is not in magic but sorcery, which will later allow him to contract with magical spirits. He does manage to hear one of them speak to him but is still too underdeveloped to do anything like make a contract.

Rin adapts to the concept of magic a lot faster than Taichi does, being able to figure out that magic is largely conceptual. Her knowledge of the sciences allows her to pick apart what makes fire at ease and is even able to use those concepts to make more advanced magic. While this isn’t exactly a new idea to isekai, I like seeing the vastly different growth curve that the two of them have.

It’s a little disappointing that Taichi is explicitly stronger than Rin is, but then again, he was chosen and not her. It’s a small consolation prize, but she seems to be very capable on her own, and I will take that. I do like how the two of them are skilled but in different ways. What Taichi has is unique, certainly, but it doesn’t overlap with what Rin specializes in. They aren’t competitors, but complimentary. This could potentially further the potential they have as a duo; not just as friends but as combat partners.

One thing that came off a little shallow was the idea to explain that Taichi’s powers can easily make or break entire nations. While that’s likely true in terms of lore-building, and Taichi does likely have these capabilities, that it was introduced so early on leaves a lot to be desired. It lacks impact, hearing just how overpowered he is at the very start instead of it being a reveal later on. He just got to this world, and this is sprung on him right away? It’s more of a ‘huh, okay’ instead of a shattering revelation that it could have been. Saying something like ‘incredible potential’ without going into the details would have been enough, but the show decided to reveal all its cards a little too early.

Overall, it’s okay. It doesn’t seem to be anything special, but it’s certainly not bad. I’m willing to keep giving it a try.