English Dub Review: Isekai Cheat Magician “Lost Ones from Another World”



Following a ritual gone wrong, two people are transported to a fantasy world.

Our Take:

In terms of introductions go, it’s not terribly strong. It feels very run-of-the-mill, a problem more with the oversaturation of isekai than anything that the show itself poses. But it is what it is, and so we have two best friends, a boy and a girl, dropped into a mysterious world and trying to find their bearings.

I do like the change that instead of just a boy, it’s a boy and a girl pair. They are childhood friends so they’re both close, and that means that they automatically get along well, even in this crazy world. It’s not that they aren’t lost, but they’re able to rely on each other because they already trust each other. It isn’t just the boy with potential in magic, but the girl also has plenty of strength herself. It’s a dual effort, not necessarily one over the other, which I like. A hero can shoulder the world, but it’s much better to have people that they can trust outright- and in an isekai, who better than someone they already know from their world?

It’s not a surprise that both have potential, but I do wonder if the guild is trustworthy. The people that saved them seem to be, but the duo doesn’t really know enough about this world’s politics to know for sure.

One thing in particular that I like is that the girl very firmly and very angrily calls out the boy for trying to be a typical hero. While there’s nothing inherently incorrect about his logic- being able to save a person you care about is fine to want, but there are consequences to that. The boy leaps in front of danger, which could have easily gotten himself killed, and doesn’t think about what to do beyond that. Heroic sacrifices are fine, but there’s nothing to say about what happens after the hero throws himself on the pyre. They’re both in an unfamiliar world, alone, and in danger. Leaving the girl all by herself would only mean that she has one less person to rely on. She blatantly chides him for that, and that’s not something I expected to be explored so early on, if at all. Points for that.

I’m not particularly holding my breath on this one, but it seems okay so far. Let’s see where it goes from here.