English Dub Review: HAKYU HOSHIN ENGI “Tsuten Kyoshu”

Youzen should be the protagonist at this point…

Overview (Possible Spoilers Below)

The episode begins with a random flashback on what we’re left to assume was the major turning point which event that began the substantial divide between Konron Mountain and Kingo Island. Apparently, Taiko’s Master broke away from the old teachings due to both ideological differences, and the desire to carve one’s own destiny as opposed to the Kingo leader who follows whatever pre-determined visions without question.

Much of the episode’s focus devotes itself to Youzen as Ohtenkun seems to have a proverbial hard-on for torturing the poor bastard and given the incoherence of how disjointed the pacing is, it’s never properly explained on why. According to Ohtenkun, Taiko’s Master actually has ulterior motives for the mystical “Hoshin” prison that’s designed for Dakki that he never bothered to tell to Taiko or anyone within his circle, though he’s a sadistic tool as he also wants Youzen to kill his Biological father that they have under their control. The former Kingo Island master whose name is the episode’s title Tsuten Kyoshu manages to even destroy his Trident weapon.

Despite the previous episodes giving a sense of urgency since nearly everyone from Konron is affected by Ohtenkun’s purple ticks, the proceedings with Youzen have at this point, killed whatever tension or the suspense the show had for his subplot, as Ironically, Youzen’s true Yokai form completely heals the poison from his body which makes that entire sub-plot almost pointless, but as Youzen attempts to talk some sense into what’s left of his father’s consciousness, He eventually gets through to him long enough for Tsuten to straight-up cause an explosion and given that Dakki’s powers only work at a particular distance, Ohtenkun is powerless to resist, which for him to crush the despicable bastard, Ohtenkun. In the destructive aftermath, Youzen comes to terms with who what he is, and the episode ends as it cuts to Taiko & Fugen who plan to confront Bunchuu, while the post-credits show that Bunchu has a trick up his sleeve…

Our Take

Damn, that was brutal! I would’ve expected Taiko to take on Ohtenkun at some point but way to play with my expectations. Also, the entire episode much like the previous one puts a lot of focus on Youzen to the point that it feels like he should’ve been the protagonist, yet it randomly shifts to him whenever the plot demands it.

As for the pre-credits opening, it’s nowhere near as bad as previous episodes because at least it isn’t spoiling future events or character deaths. Hopefully, they won’t do this any further as the show progresses.
