English Dub Review: Fruits Basket “All Mine”

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Tooru goes to Kazuma to begin her quest for answers about the details regarding the Sohma Zodiac curse (since she wants to break it). She meets Rin who ”asked the same question”. As the curse involves a cryptic riddle called “the bonds of blood”.

While in a separate sub-plot, Kyo tries to clear rip off the proverbial band-aid and settles some personal problems he has towards Kagura once and for all…

Our Take

I like this new determined version of Tohru. She has no time to lose and made a move right after their beach trip. Tohru straight-up cemented her resolve to end the curse and Kazuma realizes how important she is to Kyo (and how much she in-turn deeply cares about him). If anyone has a chance of helping the Sohma’s from this abusive “curse” bullshit, it’s Tohru.

And compared to past episodes of season one, I’m glad we saw more of Kagura’s character because I feel like we the audience understand her a lot more, even if the show tries to sugar-coat the fact that it indirectly romanticized incest to a certain degree… (Since the curse only works when a Sohma family member hugs anyone of their opposite gender, Kagura is related within the same Sohma bloodline as Kyo, And because this curse only works when a Sohma family member hugs a person of the opposite gender, it made her view Kyo as her possible romantic soulmate because they’re completely immune to the curse when they hug, which comes across as all sorts of creepy.) I hope she finds happiness and I hope the long intense conversation they had given both of them closure. She needs it more than Kyo.

I’m also glad that Akito wasn’t in this episode (outside of flashbacks) because we definitely needed a break from that fucker as it recently revealed that Akito’s mind control powers stem from the fact that this Egocentric douche is a “Zodiac God” which sort of makes sense to some degree but only raises more questions than answers…