English Dub Review: Ensemble Stars “Emperor”

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Following the S1 competition, Trickstar has become an overnight sensation at the school. And with newfound status comes newfound problems. When the group is summoned to the student council office, Tenshouin offers them a lucrative deal, promising prestige and money…but only if the group chooses to disband Trickstar. While the members of Trickstar are grappling with a new dilemma, Tenshouin’s idol group fine performs at a lower-tier competition. Tenshouin then delivers a special announcement at the end of their performance: Every idol group in the school will be permitted to compete in a competition that will decide who will be representing Yumenosaki Private Academy at a national idol competition.

Our Take

Tenshouin’s attempt to manipulate Trickstar would’ve had my blood boiling if I felt like I had a connection to anyone in the main squad. The premise of the episode is natural and appropriate for this point in the season, but I don’t feel connected to the protagonists. Aside from a few quirks, the individual members don’t have any defining personalities, or at least not enough to make someone feel strongly about their plight. In hindsight, I feel like the Nito arc could’ve been done in one episode to give Trickstar more screentime. At least with the stake now higher than ever before, maybe we can see more of what the members are like aside from idealists bent on bucking a tired, repressive system.