English Dub Review: Cells at Work: Code Black “Calamity, Athlete’s Foot, and the Meaning of Work”


Our Take:

The WBC’s are missing and RBC gets some rookies following him. The body is gaining more and more issues and RBC begins to overwork himself. Luckily, his friend shows him the importance of slacking off.


If you ever wondered how athlete’s foot affects the body, well wonder no more. I usually take notes while watching something I review but with this show, I almost feel like I am back in school. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing either, I really enjoy learning new things and from what I have learned this show and the regular Cells at Work are pretty accurate.

For a second there I thought all the development we got from RBC’s friend was about to be undone cause he was looking mighty jealous again. I was pleasantly surprised with how they end up handling it. This time he was the one to save RBC, showing him how relaxing is important even if things are crazy. The world (or in this case the body) keeps on spinning regardless.

I would like to state that a character regressing can still be “development” if done well. I think RBC almost breaking mentally and becoming like the superiors who bullied him was handled right. No character can be perfect and in my review last week I stated he was becoming almost too perfect and this week put those fears to rest. This show continues to impress on a character front.

Unless that is you want more from WBC, I thought with how last week’s episode ended we might finally get some. Alas, it was not to be… this week at least. I just really like her character design and how big a role she played in RBC’s own development so I think something focused on her is long overdue and we are nearing the end.

This show continues to toe the line of education and entertainment very well. I think more people need to be watching it, but understand that seeing our body parts represented by anime characters can be a bit… jarring. Do yourself a favor and give this show a try, there is definitely worse out there, though to be fair this is also better out there as well.