English Dub Review: Black Clover “Charmy’s Century of Hunger, Gordon’s Millennium of Loneliness”

Overview (Spoilers Below)

Primarily this story is focused on two separate character storylines at once as it puts a spotlight on both The Black Bulls Cook Charmy, and Gordon.

Charmy tries to create food that’s capable of enhancing mana and asks Jamo, head chef of magic knight headquarters, to be his student. Charmy undergoes a quest to find rare ingredients, But after Charmy achieves her desired ingredients list, she cooks them together but the meal’s end result is not without consequences. Later on, Gordon tries to train with Asta but his poison magic is unsuitable for direct combat which makes Gordon distraught and takes a personal quest on his own to determine if he’s a better person without friends while putting his Poison Magic Skills to the test in ways that would help in battle…

Our Take

Not really a fan of this filler episode. I think Charmy and Gordon should have each gotten full episodes of their own to expand their respective stories more instead of having one episode just tag-teaming the proceedings with the way this was structured. All Charmy arguably needs to do is to make food that provides diverse magic, and I feel that’s more than enough for just the 1st half, while the latter-half has spotlighted that Gordon is such an underutilized character within the Black Bulls team with the only redeeming factor being that much of the humor comes from what his delusions of “Friendship” are and whether or not his powers would be beneficial in combat.

To me, the 2nd biggest problem with this episode was how painfully dull it was. Because unlike past filler episodes where certain characters have progressed in terms of strength or power which could be beneficial for a later character-arc, it focused on two particular side characters who didn’t actually develop in terms of progression and I feel they sadly won’t have an impact in this upcoming “Megicula” arc.

It remains to be seen if it does, but this was quite underwhelming…