“Eleven Little Indians” Script at FOX from M.Night Shamalamadingdong

Turn this up to Eleven.

Multi-racial comedies are all the rage on broadcast television nowadays. With ABC you’ve got live action TV series from all walks of ethnic backgrounds and racial divides that has seen the network turn into a power-house in the genre. On FOX, programming like The Cleveland Show and Bordertown show the network is doing the same in animated television, though they haven’t exactly found an idea that has worked. Perhaps they need someone else other than Seth MacFarlane of whence to get ideas like this from?

Enter, M. Night Shyamalan and Alex Carter (Family Guy) teaming up to present FOX with a new script for an animated comedy entitled Eleven Little Indians. 

According to Variety, Eleven Little Indians examines three branches of a large Indian family — one has achieved the American dream; another has just arrived in the U.S. wide-eyed; and the third has gone off the rails.

Our Take

I’ll be interested to see if Alex and M. Night can come up with some original jokes and not just retreads on Apu from The Simpsons. That said, hopefully it’s better than Signs.