Check Out These Kick-Ass Family Guy/Star Wars Posters

Jacob Bills H

For those unaware, a dude named Tyler Stout is incredibly talented when it comes to creating movie prints. If you don’t want to take my word for it (you untrusting bastards) check out his prints for the Star Wars trilogy; I assume you know which three films I am referring to. That link also has some interesting info on the artist.

So what could be better?

Well, if you happen to be a fan of both Star Wars and Family Guy, like me, hold onto your pantaloons. Jacob Bills, who clearly fits the above description (as well as clearly being a Stout fan) recently released three prints for the Blue Harvest, Something Something Something Dark Side, and It’s a Trap! Specials. And yes, they are as glorious as they were in your wet dreams.

Geeks: unite!

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