Riley Martin wants to sue Brickleberry


Tuesday Night on Howard 101 as heard on SiriusXM, a caller called in to let Riley Martin on his show and mentioned that a recent episode of Brickleberry used a popular Riley phrase  ”Oh Qua Tanzin Wan”. If you never listen to the actual Riley Martin Show, the way more popular Howard Stern Show on Sirius XM Howard 100 has had TONS and I mean TONS of parody songs with that same phrase.

As a result, it was reported on the Howard Stern Show, that Riley Martin is now threatening to sue the producers of Brickleberry for use of his catch phrase. Executive producer of Brickleberry Roger Black and called into the Stern Show claiming that the ”Oh Qua Tanzin Wan” line was meant as an homage to Riley Martin and that there was no malicious intent.

Riley Martin has yet to respond to Roger’s statement, and we tried to contact Riley Martin for this story but at the time of this posting we haven’t heard back. However, I think it’s hysterical that a few years back Riley Martin would constantly knock in the dick of the Howard 101 producers for more cash, yet he has so much disposable income to go out and get lawyers to try and sue a major network…the same major network that has lawyers that represent South Park. 

Dear, Riley…just let this one go and if nothing else see if you can be a guest star for an upcoming episode of Brickleberry because THAT would be great! The other route would be plunking down a bunch of legal fees only to have a judge throw it out on the account of the First Amendment rights…why bother?