A History of “The Simpsons” in Video Games

The Simpsons: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man

Courtesy: 20th Century FOX
Developer: Imagineering, Teeny Weeny Games
Publisher: Acclaim Entertainment
Platforms: NES, Game Gear
Release Date: December 1992


Bartman Meets Radioactive Man was the final Simpsons title created for the NES.  The game starts with Bart reading a comic book when Radioactive Man’s sidekick, Fallout Boy, comes and requests his help to save their hero.  Bart is transported to a side-scrolling adventure as his superhero alter ego Bartman and defeat super-powered villains like Dr. Crab, Lava Man, and Braino the Magnificent.  Using mostly kicks and punches, Bartman can also gain the ability to shoot lightning all to save his hero from the Limbo Zone.  Reviews for Bartman Meets Radioactive Man were not strong as nothing separated this game from the many other similar options available at the time.

Bart meets Radioactive Man.PNG
Courtesy: 20th Century FOX