
English Dub Review: Lycoris Recoil “Nothing seek, nothing find”

By David King

September 11, 2022

OverviewAfter the incident at DA Headquarters, Chisato and Takina live a smooth and easy life at LycoReco. On one particular day, Chisato noticed that Takina doesn’t have a casual wardrobe to help her properly fit in. Fed up with Takina’s absolute indifference toward herself, Chisato decides to take her shopping!Our TakeIt was nice to see Chisato and Takina get a break and just go shopping, and once again the dialogues and interactions between them are so good. Underneath Chisato’s playfulness, there’s a sense that she wants Takina to be able to separate her Lycoris life and not be so “on” all the time, and I’m glad she got her to relax a little bit.However, this doesn’t quite last, because, underneath all of this, there’s a hint of sadness given how expendable the Lycoris are to the organization… That train station scene with the terrorist attack led by a green-haired Madman whos dressed like a rejected Cowboy Bebop character was just brutal. And it hurt to see Chisato just as worried and upset as Takina as they were on their way home, even if she didn’t let it show, for Takina’s sake.Overall, this was a nice change of pace after the non-stop action scenes we consistently got, the mystery around the gun dealers, and what more. Having the excuse to get new clothes, they not only went shopping but to the aquarium and we learned a bit more about Chisato’s past. I feel like there has to be more to Chisato’s preference for rubber bullets than just disliking murder since none of that is properly unraveled. I’m also curious about the deeper significance of Chisato’s Owl necklace. As for the post-credits scene, I wonder who that Madman was. but for now, I appreciate moments they have like this, where you can even laugh when the villains interact, especially when they mutually don’t like each other.