Kittens In A Cage animated series being developed by Bento Box
Despite all of their rage, really Bento is just a bunch of kittens in a cage.
Bento Box Entertainment will begin shopping around a prime-time animated comedy called Kittens In A Cage. The project, which came from an initial meeting between Jillian Armenante’s production company Stoic Entertainment and Bento at the 2015 NYTVF, will center on the adventures of Junie, a ukulele-playing bad girl who gets muscled into prison by her rat fink friends. Bento Box Entertainment will develop and produce the series.
Bento Box has a lot going on. The production company has a new season of Bob’s Burgers in the works for this fall and they are also behind the new Comedy Central series, Legends of Chamberlain Heights which is also expected to premiere this Fall.
Do we know if Hulu will be the only entity to have the dub, or if it will be on other platforms, too? The show in general is definitely going to be on multiple platforms.