Adult Swim


By John Schwarz

November 09, 2012

So how does a show that nearly made the top of our “Best Animated Shows on 2012…So Far” list fair when it comes down to brass tax dollars on a home release? Welp, after the jump we may just have the answer you are looking for!

Metalocalypse has done for Adult Swim the same as South Park has done for Comedy Central. Not in terms of dollars made for their respective networks, but both shows are rather inexpensive efforts that practice quality for the number of episodes versus quantity for a pay check and Season 4 of Metalocalypse is the embodiment of that. We got shorter and more digestible episodes of Brendon Small’s  fantastical heavy metal world and it worked to a ‘T’ without sacrificing any of the written quality. For that reason alone, I certainly implore you to buy Season 4 of Metalocalypse whether or not if you are a fan or have ever seen the show as its certainly a rousing achievement in animated television. Its a show supported by one of the best animation studios in the world in Titmouse all the meanwhile being astoundingly scripted by Small & Co.

With all that said, the special features on this disc look VERY much like they were done on a budget, but they are funny but I’d be a liar if I said they were worth the purchase price. The few shorts I did like was ‘Nathan Explosion Reading Shakespeare’ and the three stare downs.  However, I purchased this release for around $17 at Best Buy for the Blu-Ray/Ultraviolet deal and for the episodes alone its more than a  fair price for greatness.

(8.0 out of 10)