W2W2nite 4/8/17: Adult Swim; Disney XD

Remember last week’s schedule? It’s the same only with Disney XD added.

Courtesy: Funimation

Dragon Ball Super “Goku, Go Beyond Super Saiyan God!”

The battle causes an explosion that blinds everyone on earth but also puts everything as it was prior to the blast. Dragon Ball Super is all-new tonight @ 8 pm ET/PT, check your local listing.

Courtesy: Adult Swim

Samurai Jack “XCV”

Samurai Jack partners with a deadly assassin in order to escape a gargantuan creature that has swallowed them whole. Samurai Jack is all-new tonight @ 1130 pm ET/pT, check your local listings.

Courtesy: Adult Swim

Sand Whale and Me “Day 4: The Sandman”

Sand Whale and Me is all-new tonight @ midnight ET/PT, check your local listings. Watch a clip here.

Courtesy: Disney XD
Courtesy: Disney XD

Guardians of the Galaxy “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun”

The Guardians escort the rebellious Rigellian Princess Tana back home and the mission melts Drax’s hardened heart because she reminds him of his own daughter. Guardians of the Galaxy is all-new tonight @ 9 pm ET/PT, check your local listings.