Review: World Break: Aria of Curse For a Holy Swordsman “The Magic Sword and the Holy Sword”

wb ep 8

World Break: Aria of Curse For a Holy Swordsman wrapped up Lesya’s assassination attempt on Moroha. The only thing I can pick out of this that bugged me was this. How is it, that Moroha was able to defeat an almost all-powerful assassin, using none of his powers? Simple swordplay beat out a killer’s instinct, even though Lesya was waning a bit when it came to her drive to kill, due to her second guessing actually killing Moroha. I guess the all powerful assassin wasn’t as soulless as the Russian Terror wanted her to be.

As enjoyable as “The Magic Sword and the Holy Sword” was, it felt like a lot of it was rushed just so we can get to Moroha waging war on the Russian Branch. As much as I want to see all out war, the lengths that the writers are going to put Lesya into the harem of Moroha’s women. I get it. Every single female that comes into the Moroha’s presence runs the very high possibility of getting entranced by him. I don’t know what guy has it worse, Moroha, or Tor from Absolute Duo. The writers are geniuses for putting flashy fighting in front of a Pokemon-esque feel when it comes to the females.

Now, I know I harped on Moroha defeating Lesya with simple swordplay, but overall, the fight was fantastic. It started as a fight in the forest of a sports park, and ends up on a track for a cycling coaster. No matter how hard Lesya tried to fight Moroha, Moroha took the fight over rather easily when realized that he has the better swordplay skills. Even with the weird dichotomy of Moroha’s sword skill epiphany, the fight was fun to watch. It made up for the terrible lack of plot that the first half of “Magic Sword and the Holy Sword” had.

If this were the route that the writers wanted “Magic Sword and the Holy Sword” to take, I’d have thought having a long fight that probably could have conveyed a lot more than what we got. That’s how good the fight was. The rest of “Magic Sword and the Holy Sword” is an unfortunate pass, however.

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