English Dub Review: Lastman “Don’t Ever Let Him Touch You”

Like a virgin…

Overview (Spoilers Below)

This week, Rizel sends a new Ren named Prim after Siri so as to extract her Ren, named Chorum. Turns out, Chorum is the most powerful of Rens and Prim finds this out the hard way because when Chorum and Siri merge, they are able to do crazy shit like turn back time. They do just that when Duke gets killed in the ring by Gemini and instead revert the clock back so that Richard can come in before Duke’s lethal blow hits. Due to Prim’s failure, Howard and Rizel talk about a potential deal that could see Chorum end up with the Rizel after all.

Our Take

The plot gets a bit convoluted this week for Lastman, but it starts to clear up at the end so this week’s episode isn’t a total loss. What continues to blow me away about this show is the art direction of the series. This week, that was especially put on display during Prim’s Professor X-like scene where she froze time while methodically trying to get the kids.

Again though, a recurring theme in Lastman…introductions to characters that are then put in a situation where we are supposed to care. In this case, Chorum is introduced as the Ren that’s been inhabiting Siri. Whether or not this means Siri is still a Ren is where my whole “convoluted plot” point comes into play, but I have no vested interest in Chorum being sent to Rizel so long as he’s separated from Siri. If that is all that is given up, who cares? At this juncture, it doesn’t appear that the Ren is working on anything that’s world-ending anyway, and Howard seems more than willing to make a deal. Not that any of that matters anyway, because Richard looks to have an upper hand on Gemini, so would that even matter?

Again, plot…all over the place. But in terms of production, it’s one of the most impressive series out there. The writers appear as though they are just trying to finish this thing of which we are on the precipice of doing.
